

I have been assigned work on the enemy AI system.

Weapon attached:

enemy weapon 1done
enemy weapon 2done
enemy weapon  3 done
  • nemy should be able to access the weapon base to create enemy diversity

The following is the primary author and any secondary authors who assisted in completing the tasks this week. 

  • Primary - Serena
  • Secondary - Keal

Technologies, Tools, and Resources used

The following are the technologies, tools, and resources to assist in completing the set goals this week.

[Unity Documentation]-https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/

Key Tasks Undertaken

The following are the key tasks that were taken to help a developer/reader understand how the tasks were completed.

  1.  pull everything new and open the game project file 
  2. make a plan about what would be needed for the tasks
  3. list the scripts that are possibles should be edited
  4. to allow the weapon base class to distinguish users, adding tags to objects, for now only player and enemy
  5. to interact it with the enemy, open the EnemyAI script
  6. create a variable for the weapon base script to let EnemyAI script can call some functions from that
  7. find the relevant codes, and replace the old code to a new one that recalls the function in weapon script
  8. fix script errors to updated unity issues and classify the codes
  9. attach the weapon prefab to the enemy and make it a new prefab that has various weapons in there
  10. make weapon various, need to attach an "abstract" interactive script to it to tell this prefab will read everything in weapon base script
  11. in enemy prefabs, attach the weapon to the new variable blank 
  12. then enemies can have different types of gun and shoot
  13. commit the changes and merge to the server and push it to the bitbucket

What I Found Out

Include any particular lessons learned, especially if this Spike was designed to cover knowledge gaps. Use Graphs, ScreenShots, Outcome Lists, or other Notes.

  1.  working with others makes works faster to progress

Solution Justification

  1. try multiples ways to operate it
  2. checking the pre-work 

Open Issues/Risks

List the issues and risks that you have been unable to resolve at the end of the spike. You may have uncovered a whole range of new risks as well.

  • sometimes, drag things into inspector panel is the only way to select appropriate assets


  • research next task which is enemy patrolling

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