

 Assets magagement .

-each of the scripts will be explained its function or mulltiple scripts contribute to one dynamic.

-every game component will be given an illustration.

-all the game assets that I ve been working on or worked with

ScenematerialprefabsScriptsoutside (of my folder)
Enemy AIblackbuilding_fortress_castle_wallAdvancedAI_TShotgun skin/ materials/Carter
New scenegreenbuilding_modelar_jetty_walkwayAI06skin 2/ materials/Carter
redEnemy 0AIpatrol skin 3/ materials/Carter
yellowEnemy 1AIroamskin 4/ materials/Carter
Enemy2Bulletskin 5/ materials/Carter
Enemy3EnemyAIShotgun skin/ materials/Carter
HUDCanvasEnemyControllerMain/ Scenes/ Core
Mesh linkEnemy ViewVolumeArena Detailed/ Scenes/ Jack
PlayerEnemyWeapon1HealthArmorController/ Scripts/ Jamie
PlayerControllerInvisibleComponentMunitionPickup/ Prefabs/ Keal Resources
Prop_ruin_bridge_stoneObjectTypeWeaponPickup/ prefabs/ Keal Resources
RivetGauntletPlayerManagerWeaponBase/ Scripts/ Keal Resources
RoamingAIRandomSpawnertesss/ Keal Resources
Shotgun 1RayController
SniperTakeCover Script
Sphere (1)TestPlayerController
Sphere (2)Timer
Sphere (3)WayPoints
Status bar

The following is the primary author and any secondary authors who assisted in completing the tasks this week. 

  • Primary - Serena
  • Secondary -  Keal, Carter, Jamie, JackKey Tasks Undertaken

The following are the key tasks that were taken to help a developer/reader understand how the tasks were completed.


Enemy AIA basic scene that allow all AI work appropriately
New scenea test scene for tesing all the new dynamics that will be considered to add to AI


Blacka colour material to test spawn items
Greena colour material to test spawn items
Reda colour material to test spawn items
Yellowa colour material to test spawn items


building_fortress_castle_walla geometry game prefab that has obstacle component attached
building_modelar_jetty_walkwaya geometry game prefab that has obstacle component attached, also manual off mesh links
Enemy 0a enemy prefab has sniper rifle 
Enemy 1a enemy prefab has assault rifle 
Enemy2a enemy prefab has hand gun rifle 
Enemy3a enemy prefab has submachine gun rifle 
HUDCanvasa duplicated copy from Jamie
Mesh linka prefab holds a manual start and end transform
Playera test player 
PlayerControllera player prefab that created from Alex Scene
Prop_ruin_bridge_stonea geometry game prefab that has obstacle component attached, also manual off mesh links
RivetGauntleta prefab of test weapon
RoamingAIa prefab that attached roaming dynamic
Shotgun 1a prefab duplicated from Keal's resources 
Snipera prefab of test weapon
Sphere (1)a pickup ball
Sphere (2)a pickup ball
Sphere (3)a pickup ball
Spherea pickup ball
Status bara deplicated prefab from Jamie


AdvancedAI_Tan AI script that holds Idle, attack, hiding behaviours
AI06a take cover script that learned from a tutorial
AIpatrola deplicated copy from Carter
AIroama deplicated copy from Carter
Bulleta test bullet script for testing attacking dynamic
EnemyAIa complete AI script that holds all the behaviours switch and an AI work flow
EnemyControllera basic AI script that would shoo towards to the player
Enemy ViewVolumeswitch AI states between different collision when entered
EnemyWeapon1a test script that will hold a weapon attribute
InvisibleComponentset visibility of the game component and switch the visibility when the function beeing called
ObjectTypea script that hold game object states which allow functions will be asked to followe the rule  depends on different type of objects
PlayerManagera scene manager that assigned to tell the level who is the player
RandomSpawnerafter a time delay, the attached game object will spawn random items depends on different object types
 RayControllera simple player controller script that for testing
TakeCover Scripta take cover script that learned from a tutorial
TestPlayerControllera simple player controller script that for testing
WayPointsa visualize transform spot
Timerdepends on different object types, the attached game object will destroy itself by different rules


Shotgun skin/ materials/Cartera test colour material for weapons
skin 2/ materials/Cartera test colour material for weapons
skin 3/ materials/Cartera test colour material for weapons
skin 4/ materials/Cartera test colour material for weapons
skin 5/ materials/Cartera test colour material for weapons
Main/ Scenes/ Corea copy of my enemy AI scene
Arena Detailed/ Scenes/ Jackbaked navigation and mesh links to place some Enemys
HealthArmorController/ Scripts/ Jamiemade health variables can be read out of the script
MunitionPickup/ Prefabs/ Keal Resourcesa prefab of traget random pickup
WeaponPickup/ prefabs/ Keal Resourcesa prefab of traget random pickup
WeaponBase/ Scripts/ Keal Resourcesadd access that allow Enemy  to call the function in this scipt
tesss/ Keal Resourcesa test scene to test random spawn dynamic

What I Found Out

Include any particular lessons learned, especially if this Spike was designed to cover knowledge gaps. Use Graphs, ScreenShots, Outcome Lists, or other Notes.

  1.  Some of the scripts may be repeated, but they have different logic to execute the codes

Solution Justification

  1. resource management skill

Open Issues/Risks

List the issues and risks that you have been unable to resolve at the end of the spike. You may have uncovered a whole range of new risks as well.

  • merge conflict may occur during people trying to upload changed in the same scene or script


  • duplicate a working copy to my folder and working on the delicate workpieces

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