

Have been assigned work on enemy AI system.

Enemy AI basic movement:

  1. Refine the obstacle avoidance, and auto pathway for AI

Enemy AI attach weapons:

  1.  Enemy should be able to have different types of weapons and allows to shoot towards to the current enemy location when the player is in the range

Advanced Enemy AI moving:

  1. 1AI is allowed to follow the player to jump to a higher level

AI non-target behaviour: (should be able to face to the target way points)

  1. 1patrolling
  2.  roaming 
Game Object/ prefabsbehaviour
enemy 0patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
enemy 1patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
enemy 2patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
enemy 3 patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
yellow table
static/ alllow to be walkable on topN/AN/Adone
grey  stone tunnelstatic/ alllow to be walkable on topN/AN/Adone
status barstatic/ can be tested by  HUD buttonsN/Ahealth /armordone

*** FaceTarget needs to be adjusted 

The following is the primary author and any secondary authors who assisted in completing the tasks this week. 

  • Primary - Serena
  • Secondary -  Carter/ Jamine

Technologies, Tools, and Resources used

The following are the technologies, tools and resources to assist in completing the set goals this week.

[Offmesh Links - Unity Official Tutorials]-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blPglabGueM&t=227s

[Unity NavMesh Tutorial - Animated Character]-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3-sSozYph4

[Ultimate Zombie AI - Creating Off mesh Links]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p4zqnGqK2A

[NavMesh Obstacles - Unity Official Tutorials]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blPglabGueM&t=227s

[Unity NavMesh Tutorial - Animated Character]-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHZv6aqzQd0

[Building Simple AI Patrols | Unity AI Pathfinding (Part 3) | Table Flip Games] -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q4JHuJAAcQ&t=320s

[How to make a Tower Defense Game (E23 HEALTH BARS) - Unity Tutorial]  -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKs1qO8w7qc&t=19s

Key Tasks Undertaken

The following are the key tasks that were taken to help a developer/reader understand how the tasks were completed.

  1.  pull everything new to master branch and also to carter's branch 
  2. open trello, break donw the enemy ai dynamic and re organize the tasks, figure out whats new, what need to be refined, or whats need to communicate with other team members
  3. while others are doing their tasks,  review back and see whats need to be replaced and adjusted the Nav mesh agent
  4. reconstructed the Enemy AI scene which is ready  to pull other's work in and rebake the nav mesh
  5. creat a new scene for tesing new dynamic
  6. the following work were undertaken in this new test scene
  7. using mesh link to combine the navigation areas that are not on the same level, test its working 
  8. create two building prefab that has nav mesh links and place them in to Enemy AI scene
  9. also non walkable obstacle, attach nav mesh obstacle script and curve it and place them to the Enemy AI scene to bake again.
  10. Readjust the anchor on Enemy status bar to make it reduce to one side.
  11. attach the Enemy UI bar to enemy
  12. drag HUD canvas from Jamine's scene to my prefab folder and place it in the world to test UI on enemy and player
  13. go to carter's branch and read his script think of some possible ways to join the codes to Enemy AI script
  14. drag his AI patrol and AI roam scripts to the desktop
  15. go back to master branch and add new variable to Enemy AI script
  16. add tow status which are PATROLLING and ROAMING 
  17. in start, add codes depends on the game object whether should start with patrolling or roaming
  18. creat a waypoints script that allows attached transform can be seen in the scene
  19.  if its roaming do roaming behaviour no need to change behaviour
  20. is its patrolling need to switch behavoiurs when player enter or exist
  21. in EnemyViewVolume script, add codes to make the exact view volume do their own thing properly
  22. put way points in the world and attach them to each dynamic game object
  23. to make dynamic game objects more intelligent, add FaceTarget() function to patrol and roam
  24. add codes in FaceTarget() function to make the target that needs to face to switch depends on different behaviour status
  25. replace the enemy prefabs in the scene and test everything so far see if it works properly
  26. commit in source tree, merge it and push to the server

What I Found Out

Include any particular lessons learned, especially if this Spike was designed to cover knowledge gaps. Use Graphs, Screen Shots, Outcome Lists, or other Notes.

  1.  communication is nessasary to know how to access other people's scripts or use them or understand it if i need to use them
  2. add obstacle mesh make AI move more fluent
  3. some of the attacheable scripts or objects has to be the things in the world insead of in the prefabs
  4. waypoints cannot be created that in prefabs, otherwise it will never reach the target location

Solution Justification

  1. vedio tutarial helps
  2. google the issues, people may had same proplems that people offerred their solustions
  3. ask other team member to help make some work 

Open Issues/Risks

List out the issues and risks that you have been unable to resolve at the end of the spike. You may have uncovered a whole range of new risks as well.

  • branch issues which cause work lose or cannot access to the newest update


  • Enemy AI will attach damage system as the next step



I have been assigned work on the enemy AI system.

Enemy AI basic movement:

  1. Refine the obstacle avoidance, and auto pathway for AI

Enemy AI attaches weapons:

  1.  The enemy should be able to have different types of weapons and allows to shoot towards the current enemy location when the player is in the range

Advanced Enemy AI moving:

  1. 1AI is allowed to follow the player to jump to a higher level

AI non-target behavior: (should be able to face the target waypoints)

  1. 1patrolling
  2.  roaming 

Game Object/ prefabsbehaviour weaponUIcompletion
enemy 0patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
enemy 1patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
enemy 2patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
enemy 3patrolling/ chasing/ attacking/ jump while mesh linkrival gun (shooting speed/ bullet number/ shoot angle)health /armorNearly
yellow table static/ alllow to be walkable on topN/AN/Adone
grey  stone tunnelstatic/ alllow to be walkable on topN/AN/Adone
status barstatic/ can be tested by  HUD buttonsN/Ahealth /armordone

*** FaceTarget needs to be adjusted 

The following is the primary author and any secondary authors who assisted in completing the tasks this week. 

  • Primary - Serena
  • Secondary - Carter/ Jasmine

Technologies, Tools, and Resources used

The following are the technologies, tools, and resources to assist in completing the set goals this week.

[Offmesh Links - Unity Official Tutorials]-

[Unity NavMesh Tutorial - Animated Character]-

[Ultimate Zombie AI - Creating Off mesh Links]- 

[NavMesh Obstacles - Unity Official Tutorials]- 

[Unity NavMesh Tutorial - Animated Character]-  

[Building Simple AI Patrols | Unity AI Pathfinding (Part 3) | Table Flip Games] -

[How to make a Tower Defense Game (E23 HEALTH BARS) - Unity Tutorial] -

Key Tasks Undertaken

The following are the key tasks that were taken to help a developer/reader understand how the tasks were completed.

  1.  pull everything new to the master branch and also to carter's branch 
  2. open Trello, break down the enemy ai dynamic and reorganize the tasks, figure out what's new, what needs to be refined, or whats need to communicate with other team members
  3. while others are doing their tasks, review back and see whats need to be replaced and adjusted the Navmesh agent
  4. reconstructed the Enemy AI scene which is ready to pull other's work in and rebake the navmesh
  5. creat a new scene for testing new dynamic
  6. the following work was undertaken in this new test scene
  7. using mesh link to combine the navigation areas that are not on the same level, test its working 
  8. create two building prefab that has nav mesh links and place them into Enemy AI scene
  9. also, non walkable obstacle, attach nav mesh obstacle script and curve it and place them to the Enemy AI scene to bake again.
  10. Readjust the anchor on the Enemy status bar to make it reduce to one side.
  11. attach the Enemy UI bar to enemy
  12. drag HUD canvas from Jamine's scene to my prefab folder and place it in the world to test UI on enemy and player
  13. go to carter's branch and read his script think of some possible ways to join the codes to Enemy AI script
  14. drag his AI patrol and AI roam scripts to the desktop
  15. go back to master branch and add a new variable to Enemy AI script
  16. add tow status which is PATROLLING and ROAMING 
  17. in the start, add codes depends on the game object whether should start with patrolling or roaming
  18. creat a waypoints script that allows attached transform can be seen in the scene
  19.  if its roaming do roaming behavior no need to change behavior
  20. is its patrolling need to switch behaviors when player enter or exist
  21. in EnemyViewVolume script, add codes to make the exact view volume do their own thing properly
  22. put waypoints in the world and attach them to each dynamic game object
  23. to make dynamic game objects more intelligent, add FaceTarget() function to patrol and roam
  24. add codes in FaceTarget() function to make the target that needs to face to switch depends on different behavior status
  25. replace the enemy prefabs in the scene and test everything so far see if it works properly
  26. commit in the source tree, merge it and push to the server

What I Found Out

Include any particular lessons learned, especially if this Spike was designed to cover knowledge gaps. Use Graphs, ScreenShots, Outcome Lists, or other Notes.

  1.  communication is necessary to know how to access other people's scripts or use them or understand it if I need to use them
  2. add obstacle mesh make AI move more fluent
  3. some of the attachable scripts or objects have to be the things in the world instead of in the prefabs
  4. waypoints cannot be created that in prefabs, otherwise, it will never reach the target location

Solution Justification

  1. video tutorial helps
  2. google the issues, people may have the same problems that people offered their solutions
  3. ask other team members to help make some work 

Open Issues/Risks

List the issues and risks that you have been unable to resolve at the end of the spike. You may have uncovered a whole range of new risks as well.

  • branch issues which cause work to lose or cannot access to the newest update


  • Enemy AI will attach damage system as the next step

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